Schedule: Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm


Weather for rafting on Dnister

Weather conditions in Dnister canyon are more comfort for tourism then in mountains. Here it's warmer, a more sun, less rains.

Weather for hiking in the Carpathians

The weather on mountain ridge, as usual, is more severe than in valleys or in towns. Therefore you need take the attention on a weather, there are some different as in informer was indicated. It's a bit more cold, higher wind, strong  rains.


Weather for excursions in the caves

Actually for an excursion in a cave a weather has no value, because under earth a stationary temperature and humidity is saved. Just in rainy weather on the way to the cave there will be more bog .

To see the current weather conditions you can look at the tourist webcames. But there are not muny usefull: VerkhovynaBukovel,DragobratTrostyan

Weather forecast in Carpathians