Schedule: Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm

Gerasimov Yurko

інструктор Турклубу

Gerasimov Yuri (Sipfon)

Personal information

Date of birth: 02.04.1986
Residence :. Ternopil
Marital status: Married, raising two children

Participation in competitions

Repeated participant of Cups and Championships of Ukraine on water tourism at Candles - Mizunka, South. Boogie and Cheremosha.

Professional activity

Instructor on water routes
Instructor on hiking and skiing trails

Travel Geography

Plain rivers of Ukraine (Dniester, Sluch, Zbruch, Strip, Seret), Carpathian mountain rivers (h. Cheremosh, B. Cheremosh, Prut, Tisa, Prutets, Mizunka, Candle, Turbat), Georgia (Rionni), Ukrainian Carpathians, Caucasus,Crimea

спеціальність « Туризмознавство» (спеціаліст), ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка