Schedule: Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm

The second horse trek

This  weekend  has successfully passed the second horse trek in this season. This time we had no support in the cart. Just got the car at night with dinner and tents. Three girls bravely rode on horseback, and only at the end of the next day asked for a break (for horses). This time moved a classic route through the woods on Petrykivka and lisnychivku with lake. This lunch was a bit of a rest and went to storm the fortress Mykulynetska. When we ride we stopped right in the courtyard of the fortress, garrison as granny Mary surrendered without a fight, but asked not to crush the potatoes.

 Horses seized the party and immediately feed it with new forces fled the night before lisnychivky. We have found it very quickly because of smell of borscht and barrel. After supper,fed the horses and mosquitoes, and went to bed. In the morning the horses were in place and we went on a hike. Past Kostomelnyy factory horses ran very quickly and soon we went to the pond. Here left  horses and went swimming. After bathing sat GPSa battery was empty, in the last kilometer we went 3:00 hours dense forests, thick bushes and overgrown with nettles. Reached, as the saying, to "civilization" we with great regret said goodbye to the horses and went home.

 Especially I liked the last part of the hike when we were like Mayan Indians in the wild jungle trying to find a way home. I advise to dress appropriately. Flys that would spoil the mood horses fortunately until very annoyed. Apparently, they feared the weather reports, according to which we had to go two days solid rain and showers, but instead we warmed by sun and warm breeze. I look forward to the next horse riding on Constitution Day.

According to the campaign website
Alexander Rybak
According to the words Alexander Rybak